Fuel gushes into the combustion chamber . 燃料喷进燃烧室。
The combustion chambers of the engine are surrounded by pockets . 发动机的燃烧室被凹槽围绕着。
Usually a gas cooler is used between the combustion chamber and hydrator . 通常在燃烧室和水合器之间设置一个气体冷却器。
This inhibiting of flow oscillations adds stability to the combustion chamber . 对流动振荡的这种抑制作用提高了燃烧室的稳定性。
As the fuel burns, gases expand to fill the combustion chamber at a high pressure . 当燃料燃烧时,气体膨胀,以很高的压力充满整个燃烧室。
Detonation is a secondary explosion that occurs in the combustion chamber after the spark jumps the sparkplug gap . 爆震是在燃烧室内当火花跳过火花塞电极间隙以后发生的一种二次爆燃。
When liquid propellants are used the fuel and oxidize are fed under pressure to one or more combustion chambers and expanded to atmosphere through convergent-divergent nozzles . 当使用液体推进剂时,在压力作用下,燃料和氧化剂输送到一个或几个燃烧室中,并通过收敛-打散喷管,排到大气中。
Lean diffusion combustion mechanism in bump combustion chamber 燃烧室的稀扩散燃烧机理
Combustion chamber can be designed according to the types of wastes 可依不同废弃物做不同的炉体设计。